Last Updated April 8, 2024

Thanks for checking out our website and, specifically this page. We know a lot of people don’t review these like they should, so you already get a gold star just for stopping by! We’re required to include it and use a link on our home page to make sure it’s easily accessible. We know these pages can often be filled with legal jargon, so we’ve simplified the language so it’s easier to understand exactly what you’re getting into when you visit

Here’s the deal:

We run this website so that people like you (and people you like) can use it for personal entertainment, information, education, communication, and cybergratification. So go ahead and browse around all you like. You can even download stuff from the website (as it is available, and we will likely get a little information from you, like your email address, in exchange for sharing our secrets), but only for noncommercial, personal use (unless otherwise noted). If you do, though, don’t fool around with the copyright and other notices all over the contents of our site. They’re there for a really good reason. And don’t even think about distributing, modifying, transmitting, reusing, reposting, or anything else uncool, including the text, images, audio, and video, for public or commercial purposes unless we give you written permission. And it’s not likely we will—when in doubt, reach out to us!

If you visit our website, you’re also legally obligated to (read: stuck with) the terms and conditions listed below and any other law or regulation that applies to the website, the Internet, or, the World Wide Web. You shouldn’t access or browse the website if you have a problem with that because once you start, there’s no turning back—you are bound by (read: stuck with) the terms and conditions.

So here’s the scoop on the Top Ten Game Rules for visitors who play on our corner of the internet:

  1. For everyone’s sake, just assume that everything on the site is copyrighted unless we say it’s not. So you can’t use the stuff, except how we say you can, on this page or anywhere else on the website, without our written permission. And like we said before, it’s not likely we’ll give you permission anyway. In fact, even if we wanted to, the lawyers are likely to advise that we don’t. Like we said before, when in doubt, reach out.
  2. While we try to ensure that everything on our website is accurate, we make no guarantees. In fact, we’re not promising you anything except fun and entertainment, and maybe a little branding and marketing education, too. So, if you use or refer to any resources on the website, you’re using it at your own risk. Don’t call us if there’s a problem because we assume no liability or responsibility for errors or omissions on the website.

  3. We, and anybody else who helped us create, produce, or deliver the website, are not liable for any damages you suffer when you use it. In particular, the lawyers want you to know that our disclaimer includes “direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, the website. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on the website is provided to you ‘AS IS’ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties.”

    That’s a mouthful, right?! We put all of that in quotes because we couldn’t figure out any other way to say it that the lawyers would accept. But here’s the bottom line—we’re not responsible if you’re browsing around and the website damages you or your computer or infects it with any nasty viruses. We sure hope that doesn’t happen, but if it does, don’t call us to fix it. (Unless it appears our website has been hacked. If that’s the case, please call us at 678-442-1285)
  4. If you don’t want the world to know something, don’t post it on the website, on any bulletin board, or any other public forum on our site. That’s because anything you disclose to us is ours. That’s right—ours. So we can do anything we want with the stuff you post. We can reproduce it, disclose it, transmit it, publish it, broadcast it, and post it somewhere else. We can even send it to your mother (as soon as we find her address). Not only that, we can even use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques you post any way we want to, including developing, manufacturing, and marketing products or services using the information you post.

    That being said, our standard policy is we don’t allow commenting in any capacity on our website so we can avoid internet drama and situations as outlined below in Game Rule #8. But if we did, we would review all comments prior to making them public. We would never make any comments public that include sensitive or personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers. Let this serve as a reminder to be careful about what you post on the internet, kids.
  5. Pictures of people or places shown on the website are either our property or someone else’s property we’re using with their permission. No matter what, it’s definitely not your property. Neither you nor any of your friends (real-life friends or internet friends) can use it unless we said you could on this page,  somewhere else on the website, or through written permission. So be careful, Sparky, because unauthorized use may violate all sorts of nasty laws. Be smart; keep the stuff you can download to yourself.

    When in doubt about whether you can use something on our website, ask!
  6. There are also a lot of trademarks, logos, and service marks on the website that either we own or we’re using with someone else’s permission, like those of our amazing clients for whom we’ve created some pretty awesome brands, if we do say so ourselves. So don’t think you have any kind of license or right to use them, because you don’t, and we’re not about to give you one. If you don’t leave them alone, and you mess with the trademarks, logos, and service marks on our site, we won’t take it lightly—and neither will the companies that own the other trademarks, logos, and service marks. That means that we’re likely to sue you or ask a prosecutor to come after you for messing around with our property or the property of others for which we are permitted to use.

    When in doubt, ask!
  7. You’ll probably notice we’ve linked our website to lots of others. While that’s cool, it doesn’t mean we’ve looked at all those sites in depth, much less checked them out periodically to see what’s going on and if the link still goes to a live page. So don’t blame us if a site you visit is bad, has stuff on it that offends you or your pets, or if the page is now broken. Go ahead and click on it, but remember, you’re doing it at your own risk.
  8. That brings us to what you do on our website. While we occasionally listen in on chat groups or look at the posts in our discussion groups or on our bulletin boards, we take no responsibility and assume no liability for the content of those locations or for any mistakes, defamation, libel, slander, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, pornography, or profanity you might encounter when you visit such places on our website. And please don’t post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, nasty, mean, or profane material, or any material that law enforcement types may consider a criminal offense, that could get someone in court on a civil lawsuit, or that violates any law—anywhere, anytime. While we certainly respect your privacy, we have no choice but to fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court that might ask us who might have posted nasty stuff on our site.

    As mentioned above in Game Rule #4, our standard policy is that we don’t permit comments in any form on our website, and if we did, we would review them prior to posting.
  9. Software that you can use on this site is protected by all sorts of patriotic U.S. laws. Because of that, you can’t download or send the software to anyone in the vacation travel spots of Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or any other country where the United States has embargoed goods; or (get this) to anyone on the United States Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals, the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders, or the FBI’s Most Wanted Internet Creeps List (just kidding on the last one). As if that were not enough, if you live in or are a national of any of those lovely places, you’re not even supposed to be reading this page, so you might want to close your browser now.
  10. We’re also allowed to change this page and anything else on the site anytime we want to. That’s because it’s ours, and we have the programmers to do it. If we do change the page, then you’re bound by (read: stuck with) those changes, too, whenever you visit our site. Anytime changes are made that reflect these terms and conditions, we’ll update the date at the top of the page to make it super obvious when the latest updates went into effect. 


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