Create Your Career Path Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The Challenge

Create Your Career Path (CYCP) is a boutique career coaching firm that is committed to guiding career seekers all over the country to find their passion and career path for life. Founder and owner Hallie Crawford was looking for a solution to improve and refine website data as well as a way to steadily grow the business. The CYCP website showed high bounce rates and stagnant website statistics. Instead of looking for quick, exponential growth, the client came to Rock Paper Scissors interested in a long-term plan to source new leads to expand their business in a stable manner.

The Solution

With CYCP being able to deliver their services across the nation and looking for steady, long-term growth, we believed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) would be a great solution. We consulted with our SEO strategist to audit the CYCP website in order to ensure SEO would be a good fit before developing a plan to implement.

Upon completing the audit, our strategist recommended an initial four-month plan that included the following initiatives:

  • Month 1: Audit & Site Health Check
    We conducted a website audit, competitive analysis, and keyword research to provide the client with a report that included a complete search engine health check. A detailed list of targeted keywords being used by the target audience in order to search the business was also provided. 
  • Month 2: Onsite Optimization
    We completed onsite optimization, which included creating and updating webpage tags, page titles, and meta descriptions for prime pages of the site, making them more search engine friendly to help improve search engine ranking. 
  • Month 3: Search Engine Friendliness
    We continued with onsite optimization efforts, which included consultations and recommendations for page load time improvements, consultation on creating SEO-friendly content and setting up search engine accounts. This included a detailed report on improving coding structure and on improving content quality per search engine guidelines.
  • Month 4 and Beyond: Visibility Optimization & Value-Added Updates
    We have conducted analyses and ongoing developments, including social media audits and consultations, to create effective social media content and blogs that increase website visibility. Value-added search engine updates for the website were also implemented, including switching the site from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4.

The Results

Upon implementing the initial four-month SEO plan, the CYCP website has achieved consistent search engine ranking positions for most of the prime keywords identified during the first month of work. Steady improvements have also been seen in analytics with high user engagement and a significant improvement in bounce rate. In February 2023, the website showed a bounce rate of 45.1% which dropped significantly to 6.01% in March. This showed an 86.68% improvement in bounce rate that continues to decrease, landing at 3.61% as of June 2023. 

New user traffic has remained consistent with the decreased bounce rate, allowing us to view the data with cleaner and more accurate numbers with reduced junk traffic. Our work with SEO has even been recognized within the popular AI platform, ChatGPT as a prospect found CYCP while using ChatGPT to search for “top career coaches in the country,” showing CYCP as the second result. Implementing an SEO strategy has helped Create Your Career Path develop improved data that is accurate and that helps in generating leads to grow the business.

In addition, the site’s technical SEO, which passes Google’s audit parameter, has also improved, reaching a grade of 100% on desktop and 98% on mobile devices.


Since we began dedicating efforts toward better optimizing our site for search engines, we’ve seen great improvements across the website metrics. This has helped improve the quality of visitors coming to our site and, over time, helped us increase the number of consults provided and new client sign-ups. In addition to prospects discovering us through more traditional search engines, we’ve seen results from new search engines like ChatGPT since we began this effort. We’re excited to continue on this trajectory!”

- Hallie Crawford

chief Development & Marketing officer, Rainbow Village

About Create Your Career Path

Client Since 2020 is a boutique career coaching firm known for our personal attention and commitment to our clients. Our holistic approach to coaching is effective for career seekers wanting to find their passion and career path for life.