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What Is In A Brand Case Study?

What Is In A Brand? A Case Study on the Positive Impact and RPS relationship and brand transformation over the years.


See The Full Story!

What is in a brand?

Whether you realize it or not, your brand is a cornerstone of your business. From the concrete items like your logo, taglines, and website, to the more subjective aspects like office culture and language, your brand is how your business makes contact with the world. When it comes to our clients, there is nothing more important than building a strong and conscious brand that connects and makes the impact that you need.


Aid Gwinnett.

In 2011, Aid Gwinnett found the RPS team to help support them with their branding needs so they could better connect with their audience. They are a medical clinic that treats AIDS patients in and around Gwinnett County with the goal to improve the quality of life for medically underserved individuals and families through a strong commitment to providing compassionate health care, advocacy, and promoting healthy choices.  


The Need for Change.

As we entered the branding conversation with Aid Gwinnett, we found they were already in conversations to not only update their visual brand but also their name. They felt limited by their current brand. The desire to change their name came from a need to want to serve a bigger community that was also in need. Aid Gwinnett wanted to be able to continue to serve their current community, but also the families of their current community, and to do so, they needed to reposition themselves both in the community and professionally.


Ric Crawford Clinic.

The Ric Crawford Clinic emerged from this transformation process. The goal of the new brand was create a logo, website and collateral that was a reflection of the organization and the community they serve: vibrant and diverse.  This clinic is comprised of a group of people who were very passionate about caring for the whole person, and they believe that everyone deserves the right to great health care, no matter your condition or demographics. There is an underlying sense of community and support that it does not feel like your stereotypical doctor’s office. This is how they have connected with their audience and it was our challenge and pleasure to build a brand that reflected this culture.


A Bigger Impact – Positive Impact Health Centers.

In 2015, Ric Crawford Clinic had the opportunity to merge with Positive Impact in Midtown Atlanta to grow their influence and business. Each clinic had a unique set of services that complimented the other, so the merger was a great next step to allow these organizations to help more people through additional funding, resources, and staff members. The biggest gain for the community is that the two organizations were able to combine the expertise of Aid Gwinnett’s medical treatment focus with the expertise of Positive Impact’s behavioural health focus. Now, a merged Positive Impact Health Centers is a community-driven force that has established itself as one of the largest HIV caregivers in the metro Atlanta area. They are highly involved in the Atlanta community, hosting free educational events, partnering with other venues and treatment centers, and providing a safe and caring environment for ANYONE seeking information or treatment. With the expanded demographic, the new organization needed to reflect the culture of both organizations in their new logo, website, stationery and promotional merchandise. The brand still needed to be vibrant and diverse, but also a more upscale feel for the Midtown location.

Categories: Case Studies